Friday, November 6, 2015

Victory is all mine

It has been nine long weeks since I have been able to get up the stairs. Until I could have a civilised wash in a real shower and not in the utility room. Actually I was originally in the downstairs cloakroom but soon realised the sink was way to small to really wash my hair.

I digress, yes it has been a long nine weeks and I have finally managed to get upstairs. Well, I did actually get up on my bum, since I have not had my formal training to negotiate stairs yet, by Mr Physio Man. By the way I did ask him if he ever broke his ankle;  a fortuitous occasion arose, his shoe laces where undone, and he looked down and said

"oops, best tie these up, I don't want to brake an ankle" he says chuckling.

I saw my chance and quickly said "So, have you ever broke your ankle"

"No, but I broke my hand once"

Hand I thought, easy, I thought, yeah give me a broken hand any day. I will swap a broken hand with my dodgy ankles, right now...Get a grip mags I said to myself.

So, I thought, next time you make me do something horrible and I cry out in anguish and you look at me as if I am a wimp, I can safely say, "Until you experience pain like this then you can not judge my wimpy cries"

Anyway, back to the stairs. I was able to go up one by one on my bum, Hubbie laughed and said "well that's one way of getting the stairs cleaned" Cheek I thought....

ha ha, see what I did there. No, oh never mind....

Well, one week later, Mr Physio man put me through my paces once more. I had stairs training. Oh boy, who would have thought so much joy could be had in achieving my goal of going up a stair without panicking, without having to go up on my bum. Success and I was buzzing.

That night the joy of going up stairs one at a time with hubbie watching (just in case) well, health and safety and all that, I mean that's how I broke these ankles in the first place!

Victory was all mine I did it......Now, how do I get down.

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