Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Walking is so overrated dahling!

How did we learn to walk, can we remember, I know I can't. Although over the past few weeks I have been in the stages of learning how to do so. It's a challenge, there is your balance to think about. Then actually getting the courage to take that first step without your crutches. Oh my, the trepidation and the will I won't I  fall over thoughts going through your head. Then, oh yes then there is that pain as you slowly take your foot into the walking mode...it seriously does hurt.

"For goodness sakes" Maggie I  say out loud, "get a grip and get on with it". So I did. Now, I am not going to say that I walked very far, but I did take four steps. Four amazing steps. I was waiting for the applause, but since I was on my own it was not fourth coming, so I applauded myself and did a "yes yes yes" actually it did sound a teeny-weeny bit like when Sally Met Harry. I will not say anymore on that.

Now a few weeks later I decided to show off to Mr Physio man. Look at me I am walking with no crutches. I thought, in your face Mr Physio man.  I did actually see a glimmer of approval, but I could have been mistaken, it was more likely wind.

Revenge was all his, since he made me walk without my crutches along the parallel walking bars. They were long, very long. Then he made me walk up some stairs. Up I went then down, up and down, then up and down again until I begged for mercy. "No more" Mr Physio man I cried. I will never show off again I quietly said to myself.

Note to self, don't show off in front of Mr Physio  man, he will bring you back down to earth.

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