Sunday, October 11, 2015

It's been a real eye opener..

I spent a really fabulous afternoon at the British Art and Museum Gallery today. I found the wheelchair access great, excellent lift service. The staff were so helpful and opened doors for me as I wheeled through into each room in my fab wheelchair. It was really nice not to have to bend down to read some of the exhibitions notes on various art collections. In fact I was having a great time.

Then, I went to see the World War I exhibition, now I am very interested in this period, not because I love war and violence, but to see how people survived and helped our great county. I was amazed at the exhibition, but sadly I struggled to see all of the wonderful artefacts displayed in the various cabinets. I looked enviously at people being able to stand over the display glass to see all the items. I could only look across this glass at a small selection of these precious items at the front. I became sad at this point and felt excluded.

It made me realise that I am seeing the world in a very different light. Things able-bodied people take for granted or may not even think about. This is something I have currently lost, albeit on a temporarily basis, but still, I did lose that moment in time to see what everyone else was enjoying.

It's not a moan, its an observation, and one of many that I have observed where perhaps able-bodied  people may just take for granted. Not being
able to get around as well at the moment as helped me in many ways. I do see things differently, I am learning not to take things for granted and I hope that when I can start to walk again unaided that I will not forget what it is like to have to do things very differently.

What I would like to see is that all exhibits think about what it's like not to be able to enjoy the full moment. To think of the hard work that goes into putting these displays together may not always enjoyed by everyone. Simply because there has been no real thought how some wheelchair users' simply cannot stand up and look over the glass to see all items.


  1. Can you edit published posts? Interesting obs BTW!

  2. Glad you liked the observation. Yes you can edit once you have posted. You go to your blogger Dashboard...
