Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's been a challenge

Six weeks ago today I broke both ankles, yep I am an idiot. So for the past six weeks I have discovered what it is really like to be less able bodied. Trust me, it's a challenge.

Never underestimate the power of being able to go to the loo, at night...yes, at night. To just be able to get up and walk to the loo is a wonderful thing. To wake up and need a pee and you have to put on your boot and then hoist yourself onto your wheelchair.

Then try really hard not to wake up hubbie, who is sleeping upstairs (that's another thing you have to sleep downstairs), while you try not to bang into the stairs,  fumble with the downstairs cloakroom door, then (at this point you just feel like peeing in your knickers and sod the consequences) moving from your wheelchair very quietly and onto your commode. Oh the dignity of it, then moving said commode into position over the loo.....

 I will stop there, some things really do need to remain private.

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