Saturday, October 24, 2015

Exercise is so over rated.

 Well, I have started my physio and the 1st session saw me go home and sleep all afternoon and into the evening after taking two very strong painkillers. My second session, I was ready. I was not going to endure really horrible pain in getting my ankle to work again and remind my muscles what their job is.

I was wrong, Physio guy said "I want you to leave your boot off and walk with just your crutches". "I can do that" I said. I was so proud of myself I was able to do the heel to toe walk all the way to the Gym. He got me to do more stretching exercises. Gulp, Ouch, Gosh that really hurts. "Can I stop now Please" I said losing the will to live "Nope just a few more and you will be finished"

This cannot be right I was thinking it really hurts, I do not like this physio man anymore.  "I am on track for recovery" Well, if you throw that boot away and just do what I say you will be running before you know it" I just want to walk I thought not run a marathon.

I looked at him, I felt like I wanted to commit a crime and said "You don't think I should wear the boot, I don't always wear it"  "Nope, the boot will hold you back" he said. "The boot has got me walking" I said. "No boot" Physio man said. He saw the look on my face and quickly added, "Well if you are going to do a lot of walking, then use the boot"

Physio man is learning.

I must ask him next week if he has ever broken any part of his body.

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