Monday, September 19, 2022

Our Queen - 1926 - 2022


Our beloved Queen - 
(Image credit: Getty Images)

There is much written about grieving, different stages, different process we all go through. Regardless of the theory around grief, nothing can really prepare you for the pain you feel, the disbelief that one minute they are there, the next they are not.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a person or an animal, it’s still the same shock nothing can lessen that or take it away. 

Some may say - how can you be upset about someone who you personally never knew. Well, you can. Like our late Queen. We may not have personally known her, but we knew her, we saw her, and she was always there in the background of our lives. Giving reassurance in particular in times of trouble times, such as the impact Covid had on us. 

Times like Christmas will never be the same, without the Queens speech. Our society will never be the same without her calm manner. Our Queen lead by example, and gave so much joy to so many.

We will miss you Ma’am. Your reassurance. Your kindness. Your Humour. Your devotion. Your Smile. These are some of your qualities that we will miss.

Rest in Peace Ma’am with your beloved Phillip and “Thank You”


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