Saturday, July 30, 2022

Covid - oh you are a naughty virus

House Sparrow 

It’s finally happened I have now officially got the Covid badge.

How I picked this up will be in remain a mystery but, all I can say I’m so grateful I’ve got the vaccination under my belt. 

I have spent the last week in bed since my energy levels are rock bottom and when I do get up to take a walk, I have never experienced being breathless quite like this. I dread to think what I would have been like if I hadn’t had the vaccination!

On a positive note, no pun intended, it has helped me do some mindfulness and also some writing. I have to my delight discovered my phone has an excellent microphone and the text appears on the screen by magic, it’s amazing. I so love a bit of technology. 

It has also give me the opportunity to watch the birds feeding outside my window (I’m lucky to live in a bungalow so my bedroom overlooks the garden) I am never bored of watching how these beautiful birds feed, interact, and sadly sometimes have arguments with each other. However, they do tend to live in harmony, they do share their space and they do wait patiently for a time when they can hop onto the feeder to enjoy a meal.

So what does Covid got to do with all this? Well it’s enabled me to take some time out from rushing around trying to do everything and sometimes achieving nothing. It has given me the opportunity to rest without guilt, especially as my energy levels are so low, but I’m pleased to say my enthusiasm for life is extremely high.

Sometimes, we do need to take time out, we do need to reflect and we do need to live in the moment. We need to be able to sit still without guilt and I’m hoping that when I’m fully recovered I don’t forget this. 

Long-tailed tit

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