Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The world will never be the same

The world will never be the same will it. Well one can hope, one virus and many deaths. But will we learn, will we change and will people  start to become focused on what is important and not about what they can get.

We are sure in a strange time, we have been in and out of lockdown and hopefully during those times we use the time wisely. To reflect over our behaviour, how we interact with each other  and more importantly how we treat others.

There are many groups that have sprung up to help people in this time of lockdown. New friends have been formed using Zoom, or Skype or Facebook to make virtual connections. New groups have sprung up to help us with our creativity or fitness and so we are learning to do live in a different world. 

Lockdown has sure affected me, in some instances for the better, but sadly it has heightened my sensitivity to situations, where I find myself being affected by people’s behaviour and consequently has triggered my PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) I won’t go into why I was diagnosed with this many years ago, but it sure has changed how I have to live. So, lockdown has made a big impact on me as far as anxiety goes, and how I manage my emotional well-being. But,  I’m not alone it has affected many people and there are those that are not as lucky as me, since I have a fabulous support network. 

The biggest impact on me, was painting, I discovered the joy of losing myself in creating art,  and slowly my artistic side started to emerge. I love experimenting, although I do need to be motivated and sometimes encouraged to paint. So watch this space. 

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