Monday, February 13, 2017

We are orrff to Australia and New Zealand

We left England on the 1st February and arrived at 7.40am on the 3rd February after a 20 hour flight that was split into two parts. I have it on good authority that I will pick up my lost day on the way back. 

It was a good flight and we both did manage to get some sleep, but perhaps not as much as we both would like. But, there you have it.

It always feels a bit weird knowing when you left it was yesterday and it is still yesterday, even though where you are it’s today. Still cannot get my head around that one.

The next challenge is to get through passport control without upsetting anyone, I have a fear of anyone in authority and start spluttering and sometimes saying the wrong thing. I sometimes wonder if I suffer with Tourette’s.

My other silly fear is of machines and at passport control I was given a choice: use the scanner to bypass the man in uniform, or use the scanner. Not sure what is worse for me, man or machine, but I chose the latter. I made Tony go first so I could see what he did, only to be told to move onto the next machine since I was holding up people.

I nervously tried to follow the instructions, and success it accepted my passport and the doors opened to the next stage of being admitted into Australia. (I don't mind admitting I did a little dance of joy). The next  hurdle was to pass the photo mug shot.  I had to stare into the camera lens. Now I hate having my picture taken, so to stand there and be subjected to this humiliation was not my idea of a cup of coffee.

So I had a mug shot taken of me looking very very very jet-lagged. God help the person who saw it.

We made it and was so relieved when our bags turned up and Jim was at the arrivals to pick us up and whisk us off for a decent coffee and breakfast at the Tramsheds, one of Sydney's oldest  Tram stations that was established in 1904 - how do I know, you may well ask. It says so on this label… 

 I love this picture I spotted of the tram being used, which looks like it could be in the 1950's.

The place is now being restored and lovely little boutique restaurants and shops are now being opened, and I had the best breakfast and coffee to help restore my energy.

Not my photo, but it gives you an idea of what it looks like.

These are not my photos, I was a bit jaded to take photos, so these are from their website and jolly nice they are too

After breakfast we headed off to see if we could get into our little apartment. Whilst  it was only 12.00pm, my brain thought it was going to explode and my eyes felt like someone had poured a bucket load of grit into them. So, the thought of staying out any longer was as delightful to me as visiting the dentist.

Hurrah, the door to our apartment was open and there stood two Sheila's, with bucket's and mops'. ‘G’day” growled Jim to them, I was standing behind Tony thinking that any minute I was going to get told off for being two hours early. But, they were happy for us to move in.  Thank goodness, not sure who was more relived, me, them or Jim. 

It was a sweet little apartment, could do with a lick of paint, but it was clean and had air conditioning, which is as important as having central heating in England. Jim left us to get settled and I was desperate for a shower, I think both Tony and Jim would agree with that sentiment. Plus some much needed shuteye.

After a few hours of sleep, we decided to take a walk to the local shop to get some provisions. They still have a Woolworths, ahh I recalled the days of Woolies, but this was not quite the same, it was a grocer store, hey, I wasn't bothered, I needed coffee, eggs and bread in that order. On the way out we passed one of the locals, an aborigine, he was very sweet to us, or so I would like to think.  I was hoping he was saying in a nice tone.

 “Ah thank you for visiting my country and bringing much needed tourism and wealth,"

but I do think it was more like. “Bugger back to your own country you thieving pommies’.”  

Ahh one can but dream.

Now there are spiders and there are “spiders" and in Australia you have huge spiders and very colourful. So, I was quite happy to see this little chap just hanging around in the house, minding his own business. But, I think I scared him a tadge,since he decided to make a run for it out of the back door. Such a pity, I was hoping he would be my little house pet.

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