Wednesday, February 15, 2017

New Zealand - Here we come

After a few days of getting over the 20-hour flight that seemed to go on for eternity we started our next journey to New Zealand. Believe it or not we did a train, a plane, a bus, a stop over in a hotel, followed by another plane, then a car and then a ferry and finally another car. 48 hours later we were in Stewart Island. 

It was a busy 48 hours and for once I didn't get shouted at. That for me was a real bonus.

Here, for those that like picture stories, our little journey. Must add that some of these pictures I did not take and so I acknowledge the sources as indicated and a big thank to the good people who took them.

The Train - Redfern Station (C) Australia railway  

Look Boss Ze plane!

The view from ze plane

The hotel - Very nice it was too...
C) Sudima Hotel

The big Yellow Bus- we caught this one twice! (C) Bus travel NZ  

Another Plane...Nah I won’t do the Ze Plane Boss joke again.(C) SGGP

Our Lovely little car. Gonna miss this car. 

The ferry terminal - don’t be deceived by that blue sky.......

Now, did I mention a ferry?  I did but, what I failed to mention is that I hate water, although I thought this is a small crossing, be nice I thought, have a bit of fun I thought and take some bird pictures. A nice cruise across to the island on a lovely ferry.  Plus Tony said it would be fun, and I thought, yeah it will and  perhaps if I am lucky see a dolphin or two.

What I didn't bank on was that it would be rough! oh yes, it was rough. It was rougher then a cheese grater, in fact it was rougher then a night on the town in the roughest part of wherever you can think of. No, it was rougher then... I think you get the message, it was a rough crossing.

I kid you not, I thought the boat was going to topple over.

The ferry went up and up and of course what goes up, must come down and it did. I was hanging onto the rail praying.

Hand gripped the rail so tight my knuckles turned white( C) T Bucknall

They don't joke when they say “holding on by their white knuckles,” - that is exactly what I did and here is the proof…..

I would occasionally turn to look at Tony who was grinning like a cheshire cat saying, "Wow this is fantastic” then he looked at me and said “Er, you not enjoying this?”

One hour later I was able to slowly get my knuckles off that hand rail.

After recovering from the trip from hell, I slowly uncurled my fingers off the rail and managed to get off the boat. We were fortunately meet by the lovely Mona who took charge of us and drove us 200 meters, yes, 200 meters to our home for the next 5 days.

 “Oh my, we could have walked” I said feeling a bit embarrassed.  

“No problem” says Mona I can't have you walking up this hill.”

I am not gonna lie I was quite relieved to be driven up that hill, after the boat ride from hell I could hardly stand up. 

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