Monday, February 12, 2018

Here we are again in Kaikoura - A walk in the Woods

We loved Kaikoura so much last year that we just had to come back and explore the area some more. We were not disappointed. The little home we stayed in was very much the same and so it was like we had never left. Last time we were here we were supposed to do the whale tour, but the weather was a bit unkind and the Captain said “no sailing today” so we were hoping that this time we would be ok.

However, first we took a walk in the woods, we looked this walk up and it told us that it would take roughly one hour and a half. Well, we said, that’s right up our path so off we went... the walk in the woods turned out to be a hike up a mountain, the first hurdle was the sty, oh I hate them and this was a mean looking one, deep steps and so I hurled myself up and over and nearly fell down. Evil steps and to add insult to injury I had to climb over 3 more as we ventured up the hill...

Those pesky steps

Despite this it was worth it and we took in the scenery and enjoyed the solitude, until we turned round and spotted a couple walking behind us.. after a few pleasantries and exchanging holiday tips on where to go they marched off, now when I say marched they did and at a great speed, made me feel like a slow snail that was very unfit. But, enough of that since we had fungus to find and birds to spot and we were not disappointed. The fantail bird was most obliging and I was amazed how friendly they are, they would fly right up close and perch on the fence and stare at you. It was a bit creepy  and  the Hitchcock film ‘The Birds’ came to mind. 
Fantail bird that would fly right up to you 

The silvereye

The silvereye bird whilst very common is not as bold as the fantail and kept their distance. Stunning little bird. We eventually found some fungus and I attempted some macro shots, not brilliant, but a girl has gotta start somewhere, and here it is...

Now they said the walk would take one and half hours, it took us four hours, not because we are slow walkers, oh no, we just stop and look at everything every 5 minutes, life is not for rushing but for enjoying, and when we headed back and I had to face those pesky sty’s again, I was rewarded with a lovely view over Kaikoura.... Happy Days ......

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