Saturday, February 10, 2018

Another Adventure in New Zealand

Is it really twelve months ago since we first visted New Zealand, well where did that year go to? Anyway, here we are after spending 30 hours getting to Christchurch airport we finally touched down...yay. The first difficulty is always getting into a new country and that means Passport control. Here I tend to turn into a quivering wreck, I am sure I have one of those faces that are wanted on Interpol - I just panic. Well, true to form I step up to the e-passport gates, I put my passport face-down. The lights turn Geen - so far so good I think...but no, oh no, up flashes questions, except it wasn’t ABC-type questions, more like war and peace.  Now, I am dyslexic and being dyslexic and tired  (I reckon I got about 3 hours sleep over the last 30 hours) trying to read a paragraph that seemed illogical was a tadge challenging. It went something like

“are you visiting New Zealand as a holiday maker, and only intend staying a short while, or are you a student and so you will be studying and working in New Zealand”

So I said ‘No’ cause all I saw was ‘are you a student’  then the light went red - gulp -

Out of nowhere the angry passport lady appeared and I got told off ...’what did you do’ she said.

Me:  “I just answered no to the question”
Angry passport lady: “what did the question say?”
Me: “I can’t remember, but it was something about studying and students”
Angry passport lady: “Are you on holiday?”
Me;  “Yes”
Angry passport lady:  “then why didn’t you hit yes?”
Me: “Cause it asked me if I was a student and studying”
Angry passport lady: “No it didn’t, it asks if you are on holiday”
Me: “Well it did mention that and being a student, it’s not a clear question it’s a bit ambiguous”
Angry passport lady: ‘No it’s not - just read the question”

Well I figured if I hit yes it would let me through, so I did and I eventually got through Passport Control. Well, I thought all we have to do now is get the bags and get outta here....wrong, 2 hours later and two security checks and immigration before we did...

Welcome to New Zealand where they take security seriously and I am kinda glad they do despite the stress of getting in.

Next stop a day in Christchurch- just keeping fingers crossed I don’t get arrested

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